Yesterday I both worked on my hooping and on dancing. So that's two of my dreams right there. Let's see if I can be consistent and do it two days in a row.
I put on some music on Youtube and got about an hour of stretching and dancing in. I already feel more limber than I did yesterday. I was a little stiff and sore at first but I took my time and stretched out slowly first. I sure don't need an injury at this point in the game.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Getting organized Dream #5
Today I'm working on my dream of having guests over. Which means going out to the garage and sorting boxes so I can get some of this stuff out of my living room. My boyfriend parked his new bike right in the middle of it, but if I make him a spot in the garage maybe he will put it out there. Yah think?
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Doumbek Drumming Dream #11
I'm pursuing my musical dreams. So today that meant getting out my doumbek, blowing the layer of dust off of it and playing it. The best part is I found free tutorials on youtube and other sites. So now I'm very excited about getting better. Cool.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Music Dedication
I watched an inspiring show today about symphony musicians in northern CA. One woman is in 8 symphonies. A cello play does over 70 concerts a year. That's more than one a week. I admire people that go for their dreams in a big way like that. Their website is here.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Archery 2
After doing archery yesterday I thought my neck and shoulders might be sore today from pulling the bows. But those areas are fine. What is seriously hurting is my back. The target was covered with a heavy rubber substance so arrows tended to bounce right off. So consequently I picked up a lot of arrows off the ground, so I'm guessing that is why my back is so sore. Just one more thing to work on in my journey towards my goals.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Archery Dream #3
I got to work on dream number 3 today. We went to the archery range and I got to shoot both of my long bows using the arrows I made. A small crowd was there and they were amazed by the bow Richard Saffold had made for me from ipe and bamboo. And they admired my boyfriend's leather and canvas quiver that he made himself.
After archery we went to his favorite restaurant called Todai and had sushi and tempura. Yum.
After archery we went to his favorite restaurant called Todai and had sushi and tempura. Yum.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Another dream
I knew I forgot some. I own a lot of musical instruments and can't play any of them well enough to be of much use. So I'd like to at the very least be able to be in a band or do a concert or something other that diddle around with music.
Some of my dreams List of 12
List updated 12/14 2008
Even though I've belly danced since 1977, I've never felt really successful at it. So here's #1.
1. Have a successful belly dancing career.
2. Do the SCA right. That is to say, for once I'd like to register a name, get a badge, have the right garb and so forth. And none of my SCA garb fits me anymore so I'd really have to start from scratch.
3. Traditional archery
Get my archery equipment to a level I can be proud of, not the ragtag way I'm going about it now.
4. Writing
Publish books. Make a living as an online writer. Instead of just scraping by at it, really succeed at it.
5. Have a home and yard I feel comfortable showing to others. I don't want to be a recluse like my mother was.
6. Be fit and healthy.
This is not a goal you do once and you are done. That's why it's so hard. A person can always be fitter and healthier. But these last few years I've really gone downhill.
7. Expand my metaphysical and hypnosis career. Don't let the negativity of others destroy my confidence in this area.
8. Juggling & contact juggling, hooping and other circus skills.
9. Traveling
I want to see the world.
10. Financial independence. I'm getting too old to be a vagabond. Almost all my dreams require a steady cash flow. I don't need a fortune, just a consistant income.
I really want to reach a whole new level with this.
11. Music
Learn to be a competant musician.
12. Artist
Feel like a successful artist.
Even though I've belly danced since 1977, I've never felt really successful at it. So here's #1.
1. Have a successful belly dancing career.
2. Do the SCA right. That is to say, for once I'd like to register a name, get a badge, have the right garb and so forth. And none of my SCA garb fits me anymore so I'd really have to start from scratch.
3. Traditional archery
Get my archery equipment to a level I can be proud of, not the ragtag way I'm going about it now.
4. Writing
Publish books. Make a living as an online writer. Instead of just scraping by at it, really succeed at it.
5. Have a home and yard I feel comfortable showing to others. I don't want to be a recluse like my mother was.
6. Be fit and healthy.
This is not a goal you do once and you are done. That's why it's so hard. A person can always be fitter and healthier. But these last few years I've really gone downhill.
7. Expand my metaphysical and hypnosis career. Don't let the negativity of others destroy my confidence in this area.
8. Juggling & contact juggling, hooping and other circus skills.
9. Traveling
I want to see the world.
10. Financial independence. I'm getting too old to be a vagabond. Almost all my dreams require a steady cash flow. I don't need a fortune, just a consistant income.
I really want to reach a whole new level with this.
11. Music
Learn to be a competant musician.
12. Artist
Feel like a successful artist.
Today my boyfriend said I looked all bedraggled and witchy. I got up early and started doing chores and never brushed my hair. LOL. Ah well. I am working on my archery projects today as soon as I get off the computer. Trying to organize a monthly meeting for other archers in Orange County, CA that want to make their own gear. I'm thinking of calling it OC Primitives Clan, or OC Primitives Tribe.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Saturday, August 2, 2008
The Witch Dream
I had the most amazing dream last night. I was my ideal and perfect self.
I lived in a college town and artistic community. I was dressed in a floor length black lace Victorian gown. And I was a witch. I rarely walked on the ground; I pretty much floated everywhere. And I danced a lot. I would fly up into the air and spin and twirl around. A group of goth college students wandered by and I tried to blend in with them, but they were all younger than me and doing role-playing so I didn't really fit in so I slowed down and they wandered off without me.
I was about 30 years old, and I wasn't overweight. And I was a very happy person.
I didn't have a wand but I carried a magic paintbrush. It was always full of clear liquid and I used it to repair fabric. I wonder if I could have used it to repair cuts and scars.
At one point I ran across a bunch of Christians having a revival of some kind, and one of them, who was a Native American came running over to me to try to convert me. I told him he needed to go back to the teachings of his peoples before Christianity poisoned his mind.
After that I was sitting at a table with friends and I was reading this little boys palms. His hands were black as ebony. He had a very strong head line and heart line and I asked him if he was considering psychology or psychiatry as a career. Because you have to use your head and your heart in a career like that.
And there was a lady in yellow lace that accused me of ripping her dress so I used my magic paintbrush to fix the tear. Only she said she didn't want it fixed with magic and she huffed away.
And there was a group of girls all dressed in fancy clothes and they had a headmistress teaching them manners and they were reciting some essay or something and this one girl just floated into the air. She got yelled at by the headmistress and told to come down and act normal at once, but I just smiled and clapped for her and shouted out,'Well done.'
Much like in real life I was a complete loner and though I kept trying to find an equal or a peer to hang out with, I never did. I helped people where I could, but in the end I was still alone. But I was happy because I was true to myself.
I lived in a college town and artistic community. I was dressed in a floor length black lace Victorian gown. And I was a witch. I rarely walked on the ground; I pretty much floated everywhere. And I danced a lot. I would fly up into the air and spin and twirl around. A group of goth college students wandered by and I tried to blend in with them, but they were all younger than me and doing role-playing so I didn't really fit in so I slowed down and they wandered off without me.
I was about 30 years old, and I wasn't overweight. And I was a very happy person.
I didn't have a wand but I carried a magic paintbrush. It was always full of clear liquid and I used it to repair fabric. I wonder if I could have used it to repair cuts and scars.
At one point I ran across a bunch of Christians having a revival of some kind, and one of them, who was a Native American came running over to me to try to convert me. I told him he needed to go back to the teachings of his peoples before Christianity poisoned his mind.
After that I was sitting at a table with friends and I was reading this little boys palms. His hands were black as ebony. He had a very strong head line and heart line and I asked him if he was considering psychology or psychiatry as a career. Because you have to use your head and your heart in a career like that.
And there was a lady in yellow lace that accused me of ripping her dress so I used my magic paintbrush to fix the tear. Only she said she didn't want it fixed with magic and she huffed away.
And there was a group of girls all dressed in fancy clothes and they had a headmistress teaching them manners and they were reciting some essay or something and this one girl just floated into the air. She got yelled at by the headmistress and told to come down and act normal at once, but I just smiled and clapped for her and shouted out,'Well done.'
Much like in real life I was a complete loner and though I kept trying to find an equal or a peer to hang out with, I never did. I helped people where I could, but in the end I was still alone. But I was happy because I was true to myself.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
I'm so proud of myself. Today I got my bike out and worked on regaining some balance. I didn't get far but at least I did something.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Lemon Cucumbers
I felt I needed a day off without my daily tasks hanging over my head. I worked in the garden for a few hours instead trying to gain a new perspective. Then for dinner I had some of the beans & lemon cucumbers from the garden. I think it's the first lemon cucumber I ever had & it mostly tastes like the usual kind. But they are round and yellow, hence the name.
Hanging in there.

I got some juggling in at two events on Mon. and Tues. night.
My income on google adsense is improving. Just got another check from them 2 days ago.
I tried to belly dance in the park last night but felt too self-concious so I played finger cymbals a little and stretched a little.
I haven't gotten to play guitar in days. Why can't I keep up with that?
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
SCA Fighter Practice

I went to an SCA Fighter Practice at Murdy Park in Huntington Beach CA hoping to find other people with similar interests. I hit the jackpot. I found 2 jugglers and a meeting for a new pageantry group that wants to do flag spinning! So I got enough exercise in today. I also did some belly dancing stretches but I was pretty stiff from juggling by then.
For hypnosis I watched a Past Life Regression special on Oprah.
fighter practice,
flag twirlers,
Saturday, June 21, 2008
A little behind

I've fallen a little behind. Just wanted to say that yesterday I belly danced, and last night I went to see my friend John Joseph play guitar, which was an inspiration to me. This time for once I really focused on his technique so I could try some of those things at home. I see I need to get scales wired, not just up on the high end of the neck, but all throughout the fretboard. I'm not getting nearly the variety of sound out of the guitar that I could be getting.
I was hoping he'd bring his chapman stick though. I was looking forward to hearing him play that. But he has some major back problems, and sometimes he just doesn't feel up to bringing more things. Maybe next time.
Also, I started a new juggling forum called jugglingplanet, which should inspire me to do more with juggling, like make my own props. How cool would that be?
Friday, June 13, 2008
Day 4
1. Pay myself first.
Did I earn money today? How? YEs, my Adsense is up a little. Still, it's not the same as getting $300 from a gig.
Did I work on marketing today? Yes, promoted myself on
What new thing did I learn? Still waiting for the admin at to answer my technical questions.
2. Develop a juggling show I can be proud of.
Did I juggle today? Yes, tried to juggle clubs but my hands were sore from yesterday.
What new thing did I learn? A palm spin hand flourish. I can go around once, hoping to go around twice.
3. Exercise Daily
Did I exercise today? yes
How? Juggling, ballet stretches.
What new thing did I learn? My body feels 'crunchy' when I don't stretch regularly.
4. Become the musician I always wanted to be.
Did I work on music today? Yes, played guitar and watched Walt's show.
What new thing did I learn? That my main goal is to sing my original songs with words and melody on guitar that I've written.
5. Did I get more organized today? Yes
How? I cleaned off the folding tables in the livingroom.
What new thing did I learn? That my couch is shot. The cushions are flat.
6. Did I do something to advance my hypnosis career? Yes, I talked to two people online about hypnosis.
What new thing did I learn?-
7. Get my belly dancing career rolling again.
Did I work on belly dancing today? Only some basic stretches. But it's a start.
Did I learn anything new? Not really.
Did I earn money today? How? YEs, my Adsense is up a little. Still, it's not the same as getting $300 from a gig.
Did I work on marketing today? Yes, promoted myself on
What new thing did I learn? Still waiting for the admin at to answer my technical questions.
2. Develop a juggling show I can be proud of.
Did I juggle today? Yes, tried to juggle clubs but my hands were sore from yesterday.
What new thing did I learn? A palm spin hand flourish. I can go around once, hoping to go around twice.
3. Exercise Daily
Did I exercise today? yes
How? Juggling, ballet stretches.
What new thing did I learn? My body feels 'crunchy' when I don't stretch regularly.
4. Become the musician I always wanted to be.
Did I work on music today? Yes, played guitar and watched Walt's show.
What new thing did I learn? That my main goal is to sing my original songs with words and melody on guitar that I've written.
5. Did I get more organized today? Yes
How? I cleaned off the folding tables in the livingroom.
What new thing did I learn? That my couch is shot. The cushions are flat.
6. Did I do something to advance my hypnosis career? Yes, I talked to two people online about hypnosis.
What new thing did I learn?-
7. Get my belly dancing career rolling again.
Did I work on belly dancing today? Only some basic stretches. But it's a start.
Did I learn anything new? Not really.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Day 3
1. Pay myself first.
Did I earn money today? How?
Did I work on marketing today? Yes, I started a new blog on Fox Blog
What new thing did I learn? That some bloggers are not writing original material. Just because I do doesn't mean I should assume everyone does.
2. Develop a juggling show I can be proud of.
Did I juggle today? Yes
What new thing did I learn? Worked on behind the back with clubs.
3. Exercise Daily
Did I exercise today? Juggling was about it. See above.
What new thing did I learn?
4. Become the musician I always wanted to be.
Did I work on music today? Yes, practiced guitar and watched Walt Ribeiro's class on ustream.
What new thing did I learn? Learned about chord structure.
5. Did I get more organized today? Yes
How? I got up early & had the dishwasher running before 8 AM.
What new thing did I learn? I can get a lot done while the breakfast is cooking if I try.
6. Did I do something to advance my hypnosis career? Yes
I blogged about Hypnoticon on my fox la blog.
What new thing did I learn?
7. Get my belly dancing career rolling again.
Did I work on belly dancing today? No. Blah.
Did I learn anything new?
Did I earn money today? How?
Did I work on marketing today? Yes, I started a new blog on Fox Blog
What new thing did I learn? That some bloggers are not writing original material. Just because I do doesn't mean I should assume everyone does.
2. Develop a juggling show I can be proud of.
Did I juggle today? Yes
What new thing did I learn? Worked on behind the back with clubs.
3. Exercise Daily
Did I exercise today? Juggling was about it. See above.
What new thing did I learn?
4. Become the musician I always wanted to be.
Did I work on music today? Yes, practiced guitar and watched Walt Ribeiro's class on ustream.
What new thing did I learn? Learned about chord structure.
5. Did I get more organized today? Yes
How? I got up early & had the dishwasher running before 8 AM.
What new thing did I learn? I can get a lot done while the breakfast is cooking if I try.
6. Did I do something to advance my hypnosis career? Yes
I blogged about Hypnoticon on my fox la blog.
What new thing did I learn?
7. Get my belly dancing career rolling again.
Did I work on belly dancing today? No. Blah.
Did I learn anything new?
New Master List
1. Pay myself first.
Did I earn money today? How?
Did I work on marketing today?
What new thing did I learn?
2. Develop a juggling show I can be proud of.
Did I juggle today?
What new thing did I learn?
3. Exercise Daily
Did I exercise today?
What new thing did I learn?
4. Become the musician I always wanted to be.
Did I work on music today?
What new thing did I learn?
5. Did I get more organized today?
What new thing did I learn?
6. Did I do something to advance my hypnosis career?
What new thing did I learn?
7. Get my belly dancing career rolling again.
Did I work on belly dancing today?
Did I learn anything new?
Did I earn money today? How?
Did I work on marketing today?
What new thing did I learn?
2. Develop a juggling show I can be proud of.
Did I juggle today?
What new thing did I learn?
3. Exercise Daily
Did I exercise today?
What new thing did I learn?
4. Become the musician I always wanted to be.
Did I work on music today?
What new thing did I learn?
5. Did I get more organized today?
What new thing did I learn?
6. Did I do something to advance my hypnosis career?
What new thing did I learn?
7. Get my belly dancing career rolling again.
Did I work on belly dancing today?
Did I learn anything new?
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Day 2
1. Pay myself first.
Did I earn money today? Yes, I wrote another article for Hubpages under the name Moonmaiden.
Did I work on marketing today? Yes
What new thing did I learn? Yes, I installed movie maker.
2. Develop a juggling show I can be proud of.
Did I juggle today?No, I've been sick.
3. Exercise Daily
Did I exercise today? No, I've been sick.
4. Become the musician I always wanted to be.
Did I work on music today? Yes, watched Walt Ribeiro's show.
What new thing did I learn? A better understanding of playing scales.
5. Did I get more organized today?
No, if anything I made a bigger quilting mess.
6. Do something to advance my hypnosis career. I reinstalled Pidgin so I can stay in touch with my hypnosis clients.
Did I work on hypnosis today? Yes, I checked into going to Hypnoticon West.
What new thing did I learn? That it's going to be near LAX.
7. Get my belly dancing career rolling again.
Did I work on belly dancing today? Yes, I'm planning a silver on silver costume.
Did I learn anything new? That I have a lot of hurt feelings about belly dancing in the past that I need to overcome.
Did I earn money today? Yes, I wrote another article for Hubpages under the name Moonmaiden.
Did I work on marketing today? Yes
What new thing did I learn? Yes, I installed movie maker.
2. Develop a juggling show I can be proud of.
Did I juggle today?No, I've been sick.
3. Exercise Daily
Did I exercise today? No, I've been sick.
4. Become the musician I always wanted to be.
Did I work on music today? Yes, watched Walt Ribeiro's show.
What new thing did I learn? A better understanding of playing scales.
5. Did I get more organized today?
No, if anything I made a bigger quilting mess.
6. Do something to advance my hypnosis career. I reinstalled Pidgin so I can stay in touch with my hypnosis clients.
Did I work on hypnosis today? Yes, I checked into going to Hypnoticon West.
What new thing did I learn? That it's going to be near LAX.
7. Get my belly dancing career rolling again.
Did I work on belly dancing today? Yes, I'm planning a silver on silver costume.
Did I learn anything new? That I have a lot of hurt feelings about belly dancing in the past that I need to overcome.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
New things to add
I need to add some new things to this list. Namely some sort of hypnosis goal and some sort of belly dancing goal. Hopefully if I sleep on it I'll get a better feel for it.
Note I did not put crafts or art on my goal list. Why? Because I already do those every day so I don't need to hit myself with a cattle prod when it comes to those.
Note I did not put crafts or art on my goal list. Why? Because I already do those every day so I don't need to hit myself with a cattle prod when it comes to those.
First Day

1. Pay myself first.
Did I earn money today? Yes
How? Wrote a new article on crafts for Hubpages.
Did I work on marketing today? Yes, I sent it to Digg and other blogs.
What new thing did I learn? My ranking on hubpages was only 89 because I stopped writing there and I didn't like that feeling of being out of the 90's.
2. Develop a juggling show I can be proud of.
Did I juggle today? yes
What new thing did I learn? Nothing, just practiced 3 balls to get used to my new equipment.
3. Exercise Daily
Did I exercise today? Yes
What new thing did I learn? How to keep the hoop circling my neck longer.
What type of exercise did I do? I did hooping.
4. Become the musician I always wanted to be.
Did I work on music today? Yes
What new thing did I learn? I found a site for tuning mandolin. And I also saw a guitarist named Pavlo on PBS. Lively and great fingering. Practiced mandolin.
5. Did I get more organized today? Yes
How? I did a load of laundry
What new thing did I learn? No one is going to do it if I don't.
My Master List

1. Pay myself first.
Did I earn money today?
Did I work on marketing today?
What new thing did I learn?
2. Develop a juggling show I can be proud of.
Did I juggle today?
What new thing did I learn?
3. Exercise Daily
Did I exercise today?
What new thing did I learn?
What type of exercise did I do?
4. Become the musician I always wanted to be.
Did I work on music today?
What new thing did I learn?
5. Did I get more organized today?
What new thing did I learn?
First Post
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